Don’t be a Zooombie!

An introvert’s guide to WFH | Morra Aarons-Mele | TED Business

An introverts guide to Working from home. Some tips on how to survive remote working, I really liked this short Ted talk during my lunchtime walk: 

  1. Pay attention to ritual and routine. Find what works for you and make time for yourself.
  2. Be intentional about breaks, i.e. walk around the block
  3. Manage pace, place and space. It’s tempting to work longer hours but manage how quickly you work, where you work and create a comfortable working environment.
  4. As a manager protect your team, manage the room. Make sure everyone knows what they should contribute and when, making sure the extroverts don’t dominate.
  5. Favour audio over video calls, people can be more comfortable on an audio call without the glare of the cameras.
  6. Try asynchronous communications i.e. voice memo so it gives you time to compose the message and your recipient time to respond.

Further reading:

Fighting Zoom Fatigue