Category: Ethics

The Power of Kindness

I was thinking this week about the power of kindness. A glance at the evening news reminds us that we need to be kinder to each other. The news and media bombard us with...

Embracing the Infinite Game…

In the world of business, the rules are not as fixed as they may seem. Unlike the finite games we’re accustomed to, where winning is everything like chess or football, the business landscape operates...

The Prosperity Paradox

Countries don’t develop because they’ve reduced corruption, they are able to reduce corruption because they developed, this is the prosperity paradox. A big part of development is leveraging technology that creates a market where everyone can participate.

The Anti-CEO Playbook

Successful business like successful projects is about relationships. A Philosophy that prioritizes connection and values the employee goes a long way. The question is how to be a noble leader? To truly earn the...