Category: Project Delivery

The Art of Translation

In theory, the upgrade was so simple. We had to update some settings on the email server to prevent emails from being interpreted as SPAM. Then we could send the email. The email vendor...

“Who Moved My Cheese?”

The World is changing, technology is changing, our environment is changing. We need to constantly adapt and be ready for change, but this is not always easy or comfortable. Change is inevitable, yet it’s...

The Precious Present

Enjoying the Precious Present

The first two weeks of 2024 have not gone to plan. Work wise a project I have been working on for two years has been stopped due to a compliance challenge and there is...

Storm Management

Over the weekend, I watched the film “Into the storm” telling the story of a catastrophic hurricane impact on a small community.  It got me thinking about the parallels between hurricanes and programme delivery...